How to make SEO Title and Description in 2025

SEO Title and Description: how — LiftWebsite
Title and Description tags are the title and description of a page, which are visible in search results. They form the snippet of the page — its index card in search results.
Google SERP snippet You can also see the Title if you hover your cursor over the tab name at the top of the screen.

In fact, the Title and the descriptor are the most important parameters for the SEO promotion of the page and the site as a whole. That's why you should pay attention to filling them out correctly rather than just inserting some text from your material.

To get maximum results, let's eliminate the main mistakes in writing the tag and use the tip hacks to increase its relevance.

How to make the best Title: Top 6 ideas

1. Informativeness

The task of the title: to be as informative as possible, while conveying the essence of the article in a simple and accessible way. Therefore, you should not use professionalisms, metaphors and words in figurative sense. Such literary techniques simply blur the essence of the title. Title is just the case when brevity is the sister of talent.

"Ideas for a New Year's Eve family shoot. Or how to do cool and not spend a lot of money and time:)"
"12 cool ideas for a New Year's Eve photo shoot."

2. Keywords in Title

If there are too many keywords, there is a chance that the search engine will take them as overspam and the article will disappear from search results. The most important keyword phrases should be put at the beginning of the Title to attract the attention of the right audience.

For example, if you are selling some product, it will be the words "buy" or "sale". And the same keyword should not be repeated. Then, how to compose a selling Title without repeating keywords? Synonyms are great for this. We live in 2025, when search engines learned to determine the meaning of similar words and correctly assess the relevance of content.

"Artificial Christmas trees: price, buy artificial Christmas tree | Artificial Christmas tree sales..."
"Buy Christmas trees online — Free delivery. Low prices."

3. Relevance of Title to commercial requests

A good Title should contain phrases that attract people's attention. For example, if it's about a budget service, its words like budget, cheap, low price.

Examples of selling words for the rest of the headlines: fast, easy, free, warranty, new, safe, today.

We also recommend using numbers to increase CTR (this parameter shows how often people click on your site's snippet).

"Top 5 successful bloggers..."
"10 ways to make money online..."

4. The title of each page is unique

The title describes the content of specific material, so it cannot be repeated on different pages within your site. Moreover, duplicating your competitors' title will lead to loss of position at best, or even full-fledged search engine penalties.

Also, the title should not duplicate the main page header — H1.

How can the Title not be like the competition if their title is perfect for people's queries? To achieve that, it needs to stand out from the competition: add your company name, selling words that set you apart, numbers, brackets, capital letters, and calls to action to the title.

"How to tint your car yourself: top 5 ways from..."
"25 Best tools for SEO promotion"

5. Optimal title length 50–60 characters

A title that is too short does not reveal the essence of the page, and a title that is too long is cut off by the search engine.

Try to make the Title of the page so that it is not cut by Yandex or Google. But the tag should not be too short — use keywords that can be used in the query in different variations. This will increase the number of impressions of your article, but it is important to know the measure and not to go overboard with keywords.

6. Don't split up

Question marks and exclamation points break up the sentence, which impairs the perception of the headline. It's better to replace them with a linking punctuation mark, such as a dash, comma, or colon.

Bad example:
"Winter tires! You're in London and you want cheap ones? Free delivery!"

Good example:
"Cheap Winter tires in Moscow: Sale..."

How to check Title quality

On your own, you can track the effectiveness of the tag by analyzing competitors for your keyword. Take an example from the first places of the results, combining their best practices in your title.

You can easily check the title and description on your site by doing online page analysis on LiftWebsite. In addition to meta tags, you will see many SEO parameters of your internet project, improvement of which will significantly speed up the promotion of the site.

How to make the best Description among competitors

correct description tag
Description is a page description, which is not seen by common users. Search engine crawlers need it, and they use it to form a snippet. The latter, in turn, is very visible to people and plays a huge role in SEO promotion of the site.

Meta tag Description can be written manually or generated thanks to plugins. If the description is not set, the search engine generates it himself, depending on the query. Of course, it is better to make a tag manually, considering the needs of people and content pages. Unless, of course, the site does not have thousands of pages, as in the case of large online directories.

Top 5 rules for Description tag:

Tips on how to stand out in search engine results are quite similar to the Title tag, which we reviewed above:

1. Not long or short

The acceptable length of Description is 140–300 characters for site promotion in Google and Yandex. Of course, the snippet will not get a tag of 300 characters in its full length. But for different queries' snippet site is generated differently from the original page data and tag Description. And by making a longer meta tag, you will give search engines more choice because different parts of the tag may be relevant to entirely different queries.

2. Filled with keywords

Exactly like the Title, the Description tag should include a certain number of keywords relevant to its page. The main keywords should always be written closer to the beginning, and it is better in the nominative case. Also, try not to repeat the same words to avoid penalties to search engines.
Description tag

3. Description tag must not be the same as Title

Search engines will definitely not appreciate such a step and are unlikely to let you in on high positions. After all, the Descriptive tag was invented to fill it with additional information that had no place in the Title.

4. Relevant to the page

It is important to compose the Description so that it corresponds to the given topic of the article and does not include irrelevant keywords. Otherwise, the search engine will suspect something wrong and remove the page from the top, just in case.

5. Unique

The tag should not be repeated among pages on your site, as well as among competitors' sites.

Moreover, search engines will even try to inform you about duplicate descriptions of internal pages. For example, such a warning can be found in Yandex Webmaster.


Never ignore the meta tags Title and Description. They directly affect the CTR of your snippet in search, and therefore the position.

Check tags of any page and compare them with your competitors is always possible with our tool site analysis.

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