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Website Page Analysis
Check website pages for 20+ SEO parameters. SEO relevance, meta tags, internal semantic analysis, duplicate pages and more!
836 247 pages checked
Website Analysis Tools
Online page analysis — what for?
In 2025, content and its quality play a critical role in ranking. It's not hard to evaluate a site's usefulness to people. But how do you check its SEO quality
for search engines?
The LiftWebsite online page analysis service does an excellent job. Optimizing all the parameters, you will raise your resource to the top of search engines. Plenty of new clients won't make you wait long, your sales of goods and services will increase.
The LiftWebsite online page analysis service does an excellent job. Optimizing all the parameters, you will raise your resource to the top of search engines. Plenty of new clients won't make you wait long, your sales of goods and services will increase.
Monitoring page SEO metrics

Changes in each item of analysis are stored in the database and reflected in the graphs. Therefore, you can easily
to trace the dynamics of resource growth and the impact of changes on positions in search engines.
Analysis of the site page online will detect implicit deficiencies, correcting which you will get new visitors from search engines. Consequently, and increase sales.
Analysis of the site page online will detect implicit deficiencies, correcting which you will get new visitors from search engines. Consequently, and increase sales.
What LiftWebsite Page Analysis Checks
01. SEO relevance of text on the page
Keyword occurrences in Title, Description and Keywords meta tags. The use of the phrase is also highlighted among the h1-h6 headings.
02. Search engine view
The number of your website pages in Google search results.
03. SSL certificate
The LiftWebsite tool checks the validity and expiration date of a website's SSL certificate. It usually needs to be renewed every 12 months.
04. Check website for duplicates
The work of the same pages at different addresses nullifies SEO promotion. In addition, the service checks the Canonical attribute — it prevents the appearance of duplicates.
05. Domain age
For comparison with competitors, check the age of the site, the date of creation of the domain and the time of expiration of payment for it.
06. Meta tag analysis
Title, Description, Keywords and their compliance with the standards of SEO promotion and optimization.
07. Headings h1-h6
As well as duplicate page titles and repetitions with other tags.
08. Texts on the pages
For example, checking the length of the text, the time required to read it, the number of characters, words and sentences.
09. Semantic core analysis
LiftWebsite service checks how many times which words are used (with percentages). In addition, you will find out the nausea of the text on the page.
10. Water in the text
The tool analyzes the percentage of water in the text and a complete list of stop words used.
11. Picture analysis
The images and their ALT attributes are checked. Including unfilled and duplicates among them.
12. HTML code size
Including the loading speed of the site and the size of HTML files in kilobytes. You will also learn the ratio of code to usable text.
13. Scan for viruses
By doing a page analysis of the site page, you can, in one click, check its safety, the presence of viruses according to the search engines Google and Yandex.
14. Domain Rank score
This is the Link Mass Quality of your site, measured by the service MegaIndex. The value can be from zero to a hundred, if we are talking about the leading sites in the industry.
15. 'Dofollow' and 'nofollow' links
The site page analyzer checks links to external resources that are open for indexing. After all, such a step can transfer weight to the page where it should not have done so.
Full-page analysis with recommendations
Are you familiar with SEO parameters, or are you just starting to learn the material? Either way, it's always a good idea to have recommendations for each of the page checkpoints handy during your page analysis.
We have compiled descriptions for each criterion with links to detailed articles. That means you don't have to look up the terminology in other sources.
We have compiled descriptions for each criterion with links to detailed articles. That means you don't have to look up the terminology in other sources.

Check site page SEO key phrases
When creating or refining a resource, it is important to select and use the right keywords. In other words, create a semantic core. To achieve this, identify your competitors from the top of the list and
analyze their pages.
According to their popular queries and semantic core, form and supplement your materials.
According to their popular queries and semantic core, form and supplement your materials.

Site page SEO analysis
From the results of the check, you can, in one click, analyze the neighboring pages of the resource, which are linked to the checked content. Therefore, it becomes much easier to navigate your site.
SEO analysis of the site page in dynamics
We store the results of the checks so that you can easily track the dynamics of the site pages online. Therefore, you can see both the current analysis and the previously saved data. There are buttons with left and right arrows (← →).
High-speed checks
The LiftWebsite team understands that nobody likes to wait. That's why our free online page analysis tool works without delays. Besides, we don't ask you to register and specify your private data. All site features are available to all visitors, including free online page analysis.