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Check text for water online
Checking the text for water will allow you to look at your content from the outside, without resorting to the help of other people. Our free online service is enough for this.
Most likely, you want to improve your content, but why is it important?
First, to promote the site to the TOP, its materials must meet many quality parameters. And this, among other things, is the percentage of water in the text, and spam with keywords. Today, there are plenty of
ranking factors that they consider the benefits and uniqueness of content on Internet sites.
Secondly, having compiled materials for any purpose, and not just for the site, you will probably want to know their quality according to generally accepted norms. To achieve this, it is enough to check the text for water for free on the
LiftWebsite, it will take a few seconds of your time.
Text spamming — what is it?
The spam content of the text is the percentage of the content of keywords used specifically for promotion in search engines.
It's easy to guess where the word "spam" came from. What does the word "spam" mean to you? This mass distribution of advertising among ordinary communication channels of people. Only here we are already talking about the text, and spreading in it the key phrases inserted with and without cause.
What is water in the text and how to remove it
Water in the text are insignificant words that do not carry a semantic and useful load.
The water content of the text is the ratio of unnecessary words (stop words) to the entire content. The concept of water content is important to consider when assessing characteristics material. For example, usually the upper limit of “water” is about 60%.
How to remove water from the text? It is necessary to try to rid the material of meaningless words as much as possible. What are these words? Let's figure it out.
Water in the copywriter's text — where does it come from
Water words are elements of the text that do not reveal the subject of the narrative, which simply lengthen the content. They are needed to connect phrases and sentences, strengthen or clarify. Because of the excessive number of such words makes the material more difficult to understand, its promotion in search engines slows down.
Different search engines use their own sets of stop words (water words), which periodically supplemented and updated. Here are their main types:
pronouns (I, you, you, he, them, us).
prepositions (on, for, without, before, over).
conjunctions (and, and, also).
introductory words (apparently, perhaps, therefore, however)
adjectives without semantic load (the most delicious fruit, incredible smell, stunning project).
particles (same, would, not).
numerals (two, eighth).
adverbs (therefore, far, near).
Customers' opinion
Some customers on copywriting exchanges require that the water indicator in the text be minimal. Sometimes the water content indicator should not be more than 50%; otherwise the order will not be accepted.
According to the LiftWebsite tool, the water indicator in the paragraph above is 57.3%. If you remove almost all the water, you will get the following:
"Customers on the exchanges wish that there was almost no water in the text. If the water content is more than 50%, the order rejected."
Firstly, it sounds clumsy and incomprehensible, right? It's as if a foreigner has just started learning the language. Secondly,
mostly buyers of articles do not pay attention to this and do not find fault with the water.
That is, by removing the word "some", we did not consider that not all customers are picky. This means that the absence of water can slightly (and sometimes greatly) change the meaning of the statement.
The influence of water in the text on site optimization
Now they write a lot about the water content of the text, about the influence of unnecessary words on the content of the content. It is important to understand that yours the materials are needed by site visitors, not search engine robots.
And even if the search engines well they will appreciate your text, users will still not be deceived. And a large percentage of failures will be a signal for reduction of positions and departure of
selling pages of the site from the TOP 10 search engines. Therefore, first, focus on the quality and informativeness of your content.
How to dry text
To dry the material, remove as many unnecessary words from it as possible. How to calculate them? At first, you need to check the text for water content. The fastest way to do this is at the top of this page (for free). So, you will find out the list and the number of water words, from the most parts of which can be disposed of without losing meaning.
Expand the topic in more detail
There is another way to improve the quality of content — to increase the size of the article by adding several
paragraphs and subheadings . Of course, written exclusively by to the point and with a minimum of water words and expressions.
Drying by paragraphs
The text is divided into paragraphs by meaning, and then each one is dried separately. The article will become easier to read, а The material will contain more useful information after it has been dried.
You can also dry out the water by making a specific plan for the article. In doing so, you need to accurately outline the task, formulate the issues that will be disclosed in detail in the material. This approach is good for increasing productivity and saves your time.
Also, you should not deviate significantly from the main topic narrative. And of course, as much as possible, avoid boilerplate phrases and complex speech structures. They clutter up the text and make it uncomfortable for your readers.
How to check text for water and spam
LiftWebsite has several ways to check if your text is watery:
1. When comprehensively
checking website page along with a number of other useful metrics.
2. With a separate water checker tool, located on this page.
3. You can check the text for water from a website page directly by simply entering its address (URL) into our tool, above.
What's water in content for
Introductions and other logical connectives are not accidental: they make speech clearer and more beautiful. We definitely cannot do without them in literary texts, we cannot express all the emotions the author wants to convey.
Of course, there are cases when a "living person" should not be in the text. We are talking about the purely informative function of the content. Water is inappropriate in:
brief product descriptions without subjective evaluation;
step-by-step manuals.
Why don't you have to completely dehydrate the text?
How much water does a good text need? There is no exact answer to this question. It all depends on the type of the article, the focus of the content and the narrative style. Besides, don't forget that it's your readers who need the material in the first place! And only then to search robots for indexing and SEO promotion.
If you remove all the water from the text, you get a very dry content, reminiscent of a telegram. И it will be very difficult to comprehend.
It's known from practice that there are no exact guidelines on the amount of water content does not exist. In each case everything is decided individually, relying on the sense of proportion and then required the length of the material.
How water changes perception
For example:
Customer requirement: maximum - 60% water content.
In the sentence above, there are 0% of water: it will only distract the reader whose intention is to concentrate on the practical side of the content.
Now let's talk about what happens if there is too much water. Perhaps some customers who are on the copywriting exchanges sometimes require that the wateriness of the text be as small as possible. Sometimes there has to be no more than 9% water; otherwise the order simply will not be accepted. No way. And under no circumstances.
There is 84% of water here. The quality of this text borders on graphomania (or maybe it is graphomania). Because of Due to the excessive amount of water and spam, the information is hard to perceive, and with some words, you can notice that the author desires to gain as much space in the text as possible.
Checking your text for water before you publish it will open your eyes to possible problems. Also, before to publish an article after you have written it, it is important to reread it completely. And this should be done a few hours after you finish your work. That is, to look at the material with a fresh eye, as if from the side. This way you can reduce the amount of water, correct deficiencies and eliminate mistakes.
Adhering to our recommendations, you'll create an easy to understand, useful, interesting and informative content.
Of course, if the material requires it, it is allowed to deviate from the recommended norms of water content and spoilage. But only if it does not make it too difficult to read.
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Why check the text for water and spam
Text spamming — what is it?
What is water in the text and how to remove it
The water content of the text is the ratio of unnecessary words (stop words) to the entire content. The concept of water content is important to consider when assessing characteristics material. For example, usually the upper limit of “water” is about 60%.
How to remove water from the text? It is necessary to try to rid the material of meaningless words as much as possible. What are these words? Let's figure it out.
Water in the copywriter's text — where does it come from
Different search engines use their own sets of stop words (water words), which periodically supplemented and updated. Here are their main types:
Customers' opinion
That is, by removing the word "some", we did not consider that not all customers are picky. This means that the absence of water can slightly (and sometimes greatly) change the meaning of the statement.
The influence of water in the text on site optimization
And even if the search engines well they will appreciate your text, users will still not be deceived. And a large percentage of failures will be a signal for reduction of positions and departure of selling pages of the site from the TOP 10 search engines. Therefore, first, focus on the quality and informativeness of your content.
How to dry text
Expand the topic in more detail
Drying by paragraphs
Also, you should not deviate significantly from the main topic narrative. And of course, as much as possible, avoid boilerplate phrases and complex speech structures. They clutter up the text and make it uncomfortable for your readers.
How to check text for water and spam
1. When comprehensively checking website page along with a number of other useful metrics.
What's water in content for
Of course, there are cases when a "living person" should not be in the text. We are talking about the purely informative function of the content. Water is inappropriate in:
Why don't you have to completely dehydrate the text?
If you remove all the water from the text, you get a very dry content, reminiscent of a telegram. И it will be very difficult to comprehend.
It's known from practice that there are no exact guidelines on the amount of water content does not exist. In each case everything is decided individually, relying on the sense of proportion and then required the length of the material.
How water changes perception
In the sentence above, there are 0% of water: it will only distract the reader whose intention is to concentrate on the practical side of the content.
There is 84% of water here. The quality of this text borders on graphomania (or maybe it is graphomania). Because of Due to the excessive amount of water and spam, the information is hard to perceive, and with some words, you can notice that the author desires to gain as much space in the text as possible.
Adhering to our recommendations, you'll create an easy to understand, useful, interesting and informative content.
Of course, if the material requires it, it is allowed to deviate from the recommended norms of water content and spoilage. But only if it does not make it too difficult to read.