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Check URL response code online

page response code

What is a server response code

This, otherwise known as the HTTP status code, is a three-digit number that describes the state of the URL to which a request is made. Browsers and search crawlers use it to determine whether a page exists.

Why check the response code of the page

Often, the server may give wrong code on the main or service pages because of wrong settings. Therefore, problems may arise with search engines.

For example, if the home page is simultaneously available at and, search engines will index it twice, and it will compete with itself. Or if the incorrectly typed address gives the code 200 (and should 404), then search engines can repeatedly add it to their output. And after that, the position of the site may go down and visitors from Yandex and Google on the resource will be much less.

404 error

Codes 2xx (all good)

200 OK. This means that the requested address was processed successfully. For example, the page is found and presented to the browser.

202 Accepted. The request is received, but will not be processed immediately. It is not necessary to wait on the page, the result will be obtained automatically.

203 Non-Authoritative Information. The request is accepted, but thanks to third-party servers.

204 No Content. The server received and processed the request, but the response has no content. This code is usually used to get information from client.

205 Reset Content. Sends a signal to empty a form with filled in data. For example, when trying to log in or register.

3xx codes (redirect)

300 Multiple Choices. The code indicates multiple pages at the same address. For example, for different languages.

301 Moved Permanently. This is a very popular response code - the page is moved permanently. Otherwise, it is often called "301 redirect". Moreover, a person does not even notice as one address is replaced by another. Just immediately opens a new address to which the redirect is set.

302 Found. The server replied that the page was temporarily redirected to the address specified in the HTTP header Location. Moreover, search engines do not remove the old address from the index.

303 See Other. Code redirecting to another address using GET method.

304 Not Modified. This response says that the page has not changed since the last visit. Therefore, you cannot load it again, and use the saved cache. Search engine robots, among others, will not re-check such an address either.

308 Permanent Redirect. The response code is similar to 301, but using a different method. It's used much less often.

Codes 4xx (client problem)

400 Bad Request. "Bad request" - there is an error in the address. Or you are trying to download a file larger than the server configuration allows. Try to clear cache and cookies.

401 Unauthorized. The code says you need to be authenticated to view the page. Otherwise, you might already be authorized, but your account doesn't give you permission to view this content.

403 Forbidden. The server response code says, "access denied" — most likely by IP address. Restarting your router or using a VPN can help.

404 Not Found. Without an understatement, the most popular error on the Internet. The page at the entered address was not found (either the user entered the wrong address, or the URL has changed, and no redirect was configured).

405 Method Not Allowed. "Method not allowed." Server response code indicates a probable error in user scripts. Try reloading the page, it may help.

406 Not Acceptable. This code tells you that your computer cannot accept the reply from the server. The server, in its turn, cannot show the page at the specified address.

408 Request Timeout. The site didn't respond to user request in the timeout. You are probably experiencing Internet problems. Try restarting your computer and router. If the problem is on the site side, it is worth contacting the hosting support.

409 Conflict. The server cannot perform the action requested by the user due to configuration inconsistencies.

410 Gone. The requested page has been permanently deleted from our site.

413 Request Entity Too Large. This error occurs if too large a file is uploaded to the site.

414 Request-URL Too Long. Error code if the entered address is too long.

423 Locked. A server reply saying that your IP address is blocked. This is most likely a suspicion that the site is under attack or other incorrect actions.

429 Too Many Requests. This response indicates that you have exceeded the request limit per time unit. Most probably, you refresh the page too often or there is a DDoS attack on the server from your IP address (the IP address can belong not only to you).

451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons. The error has appeared relatively recently (its number is a reference to a work with the same name). Response code 451 reports that the page cannot be opened from your region because it is blocked by the state.

Codes 5xx (server problem)

500 Internal Server Error. Error 500 occurs when the server was unable to prepare a response for an unknown reason. For example, it may be caused by an incorrect .htaccess configuration file. 

502 Bad Gateway. Usually such a response comes if the site is protected against DDoS attacks - the clients receive data relayed to them by an intermediate server. But for some reason the internal server is down, and the intermediate server simply has nothing to retransmit. Try to clear the cache by pressing Ctrl + Shift + R or the "refresh page" icon with the Shift key pressed.

503 Service Unavailable. The server is unable to process requests due to technical reasons. For instance, if the server is undergoing some kind of maintenance.

How to check the page (server) response code

To achieve this, simply enter the address of the page in the form above and click "check". The response will contain the status code, the entered URL and the redirected URL.

Check response code